Boundary Leapers
In February 2020, Derby Opportunity Area (OA) delivered the Boundary Leapers project for secondary schools in Derby City. The project was a 2-day event, with the main aim being to support and inspire Year 11 students to ‘leap’ a grade boundary in their Maths and English GCSE. Over 700 students attended across the 2 days where they received lessons around ‘tricky’ Maths and English topics and input from a motivational speaker.
This year, owing to school closures and lockdown restrictions, Boundary Leapers has been adapted to be delivered online. It is no longer a one-off event, instead a resource hub which houses over 30 pre-recorded Maths and English lessons. The lessons are delivered some fantastic Derby teachers and are supported by workbook activities which schools are able to order free of charge for their students.
The website also includes a series of videos to inspire and support students during their exam period and beyond. The ‘Take the Leap’ mini-series has been developed in partnership with motivational speaker Cameron Parker, who is known for his work with GCSEPod and PiXL. Themes include growth mind-set, self-esteem, failure, resilience and time management.
If you’d like to learn more about the Boundary Leapers project please contact
Derby Opportunity Area
The Boundary Leapers project forms part of the wider Derby OA programme to strengthen English and Maths provision within Secondary Schools.
Find out more here.